Create, explore, expand, conquer. I came, I saw, I came, I saw. I praise the Lord, then break the law. I take what's mine, then take some more. It rains, it pours, it rains, it pours. I came, I saw, I came, I saw. I praise the Lord, then break the law. I take what's mine, then take some more. It rains, it pours, it rains, it pours.

Political (Denmark)

  • Currently aligned with Radikale Venstre, and Volt Danmark/Volt Europa.
  • Royalist
  • Neutral on the current government
  • Dismantle the required social activities at schools, it makes me wanna go to UK as an overseas student.
  • Eurozone supporter

Political (Philippines)

Political (Europe)

Political (General)